The students’ learning mobility of the international Erasmus + project “Creation and Integration of STEAM Model in General Education” in Lithuania

Meeding program

The 25th  of April,2022  was the first day of the learning mobility of the international Erasmus + project “Creation and Integration of STEAM Model in General Education” in Lithuania, Vilnius. The project partners from Turkey and Portugal were warmly welcomed by the lyceum teachers and students. After introducing to each other and playing the “warm-up” game, the further activities on the first day involved creating digital eco crosswords, examining the features of sustainable behavior in the lesson on the topic “Fast Fashion and its Adverse Impact on the Environment”, presenting the students’ created ecosystem models, participating in the Portuguese teachers’  STEAM lesson for lyceum ninth graders on the topic “Trigonometry – measuring an inaccessible height”, and  ending the day  with an orientation game in the Old Town of Vilnius prepared and led by the former lyceum students Domantas and Eugenijus.

The 2nd day was full of experiences and impressions too. The activities of the “Erasmus+” project “STEAM Model” were carried out not only at the lyceum but also the participants of the project visited VILNIUS TECH UNIVERSITY, where students and teachers participated in the workshops organized by the university teachers in the laboratories of the Departments of Biomechanical Engineering and Mechanics and Materials Engineering. In the afternoon, the project team went on a sightseeing trip to the historical capital of Lithuania – Trakai. Later, the project activities continued in the Varnikai botanical-zoological reserve, where the students and teachers studied the ecosystem and completed the given tasks.

At the end of the day a folk evening was held to familiarize the participants with the Lithuanian customs and traditions. They had a great opportunity to savour the traditional dishes such as bread, kastinys, cheese, honey and others as well as to dance and play the traditional Lithuanian dances and games.

On the third day of the learning mobility the participants continued the project’s activities and acquaintance with Lithuania and its cultural heritage visiting Kaunas, the national M. K. Čiurlionis art museum, the courtyard gallery, the Rumšiškių folk household museum, the confluence of the Nemunas and Neris.

On April 28 the participants of Erasmus+ project “STEAM Model” student learning mobility visited VILNIUS TECH Faculty of Environmental Engineering, where activities prepared by university teachers awaited them.In the first part, the students talked about the circular economy, working in groups they had to generate a business idea on how to reduce the amount of produced products by using already produced products instead. During the simulation game, the students drew cards with certain materials and, based on the available information and their own skills, had to create a company that uses the relevant circular economy model. The students presented their created product to each other. In the second part, the students listened to a lecture about the buildings of the future and examined how different materials used determine the temperature of buildings, discussed what conditions (temperature, CO2 content in the room) must be ensured, for example, in office buildings, and also visited university research laboratories.

The day’s activities were crowned by a walk on the roof, where the project participants not only admired the panorama, but also explored the devices of renewable energy sources.

On the last day, students summarized the week’s activities and experiences at the lyceum, participated in the “ECO action” conference, where they presented their social advertising video clips. The students of the other “Erasmus+” projects “Young Entrepreneurs” and “EcoSeRe” implemented by the lyceum were also invited to participate remotely in this conference. A total of 16 social advertising video clips on sustainable topics such as consumption, circular economy, climate change, etc. were created. The conference was hosted by the representative of 9 Zuikiai, Sandra Galdikaitė. During the conference, even two commercials created by lyceum students won nominations for “The clearest message” and “The most creative video clip”, and a team of Turkish students from Gaziantep was awarded for “The most relevant topic”.

Farewell is sensitive and long, but hopeful – tight social and cooperative ties have been established.

Common team spirit and concentration is  the success of the activities and community strength.

Students presentation about visit in Turkey