To ensure effective education and STEAM understanding in its direct and general meaning is necessary to look for new teaching methods not only in a native country but also abroad. In order to implement STEAM model the project partners develop the students‘ skills for future life: responsible use and rational control of resources. As a main tool circular economy is chosen. Because of the lack of STEAM schools in Lithuania and the experience in this area we believe to become the starters after implementing this project. This would assure us as the ambassadors of this field who would be able to share the experience and methods picked up during the collaboration with other schools during the project. One positive change towards increasing STEAM integration is the teachers‘ cooperation and the increase in the exchange of good practices on the internet platforms, social networking. Relying on these priorities we will do our best to implement the objective of our project — in collaboration with the partner countries to create the multifaceted model of STEAM integration based on circular economy which would ensure effectiveness of the integrated education. The project team will include the teacher-leaders who find the project topic relevant and are willing to share ideas with other partners in the project countries.

The main goal of the project is in collaboration with the partner countries to create the multifaceted model of STEAM integration based on circular economy which would ensure effectiveness of the integrated education.

The goal includes such aspects as intensive integration of the school subjects (trying to learn not only following lessons timetable but activities timetable instead); much more significant STEAM subjects integration in the whole learning process; the main attention to the circular economy and zero waste society. The majority of European countries provide wide guidelines at a national level which aim at tackling students‘ difficulties with purposeful model of students’ thinking which would help to form a responsible personality of nowadays world.

However, STEAM skills in many European countries are not sufficient enough, since nowadays education systems in Europe are still not modern enough, rarely meeting the needs of society and commerce, when speaking about development of the science, engineering, technology and mathematics. That’s why special attention to this issue should be made. Seeking for the very concrete results of the project activities, as the main tool of the STEAM model implementation the analysis of the circular economy would be stressed, also relevant instruments and methods will be created and applied in the learning and teaching process. With this project two relevant issues are going to be solved: the appropriate integration of STEAM model in general education and the idea of students’ familiarization with the circular economy, also a possibility to involve students in this process. Thus, relying on the priorities of the project the multifaceted model of STEAM integration (innovative new methods) based on circular economy which would ensure effectiveness of the integrated education will be created and will serve as teaching guidelines for modern, flexible and responsible teacher ; students would have a possibility to be a part of the global issues and problem solving.

While implementing this project students will have a great possibility to use their creativity in creative workshops: posters, photos, infographics, stickers-reminders, the model of ecosystem, maps of polluted areas, etc. They will also be involved in the cultural surroundings of all partner countries which will allow students to be more familiar with cultural aspects of all partner countries. Since the main topic of the project will be circular economy, environment and climate change issues will be deeply analysed and discussed searching the documents, discussing in a round table discussions, presenting and sharing information among partner countries face to face, online, also during the visits.